Check out our fundraising digital toolkit to help you reach your goals!

25 Fast Names

Utilize our 25 Fast Names document to come up with a list of 25 people in your network. Click here to download.

Instagram Story Template

Save these templates to the camera roll on your smartphone to use in Instagram Stories! Inspire your family and friends to support you or join you in your fundraising efforts! 

OOS 5K IG Story_Bingo     OOS 5K IG Story_Fundraising For     OOS 5K IG Story_Thank You List     OOS 5K IG Story_Thank You Trophy
OOS 5K IG Story_Be a Champion     OOS 5K IG Story_Bingo_Leading Cause Stat     OOS 5K IG Story_1in5 Stat     OOS 5K IG Story_50 Stat


Instagram and Facebook Posts

Share and customize these post templates and share why you’re supporting the On Our Sleeves movement!

OOS 5K Social Post_Fundraising     OOS 5K Social Post_Bingo     OOS 5K Social Post_50 Percent     OOS 5K Social Post_1 in 5

Facebook Header Image

OOS 5K Social_Facebook Header Champion_Crew    
OOS 5K Social_Facebook Header I Support
     OOS 5K Social_Facebook Header Champion

LinkedIn Posts

Get support from your family and friends by using these graphisc on LinkedIn!

OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Post_Fundraise     OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Post_Stat 1 in 5     


OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Post_Stat 50

LinkedIn Header Images

OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Header_Champion Crew      OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Header_I Support
OOS 5K Social_LinkedIn Header_Be Champion

Copyright © 2024 Nationwide Children's Hospital. All rights reserved.
Nationwide Children's Hospital is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN: 31-1036370). Contributions to Nationwide Children's Hospital are tax deductible to the extent allowed under IRS guidelines.