2024 Children's Champions

Some super heroes have HLHS!
Some super heroes have HLHS!

Jonny's Heart Warriors

The Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus Marathon 

Deon Webster is running for his incredible nephew, Jonathan Monrovia.

Jonny Monrovia: A Journey of Courage and Hope

At just three years old, Jonny has faced more medical challenges than most of us could imagine. Born with a complex heart condition, he has undergone numerous surgeries and treatments. To put into perspective, the average child’s oxygen levels sit in the high 90s-100% saturation. Jonathan’s sits low to mid-70s even with supplemental oxygen and has frequent cyanotic episodes. Cyanosis is when the child’s skin around the mouth gums and nail beds will appear blue or dusky.

Despite these hardships, Jonny's spirit remains unbroken. His journey is a testament to his strength, resilience, and the power of hope. As he prepares for his next procedure, we are reminded of the miracles that modern medicine and unwavering determination can achieve.
Jonny is truly a little warrior, and his story continues to inspire us all.

Facebook: Baby J Monrovia’s HLHS Fight https://www.facebook.com/groups/babyjmonrovia/

Introduction: Jonny Monrovia, a vibrant three-year-old, has faced extraordinary medical
challenges with remarkable resilience and strength. Born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
and an atrial septum defect, Jonny's life has been marked by numerous medical procedures and
surgeries. Despite these challenges, his journey is a testament to the miracles of modern
medicine and the unyielding spirit of a young child.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a congenital
heart defect in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital,
1). This condition affects normal blood flow through the heart, making it difficult for the body to
receive enough oxygen-rich blood. Without surgical intervention, HLHS is typically fatal within
the first days or weeks of life.

Atrial Septum Defect: An atrial septum defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall (septum) that
separates the two upper chambers of the heart (atria). This defect allows oxygen-rich blood to
mix with oxygen-poor blood, which can cause complications such as heart failure and pulmonary
hypertension if not treated.

Early Life and Medical Interventions: Jonny was born via cesarean section at Cincinnati
Children's Hospital. Moments after birth, he was rushed to the cardiac catheterization lab, where
he received medication to keep his ductus arteriosus open and underwent balloon angioplasty to
widen his aorta. By the age of one, Jonny had undergone multiple heart catheterizations, two
major heart surgeries, one exploratory surgery, a G-tube placement surgery, and a procedure to
correct a percutaneous gastrocutaneous fistula due to G-tube removal.

The Three-Stage Surgical Process:

  • Norwood Procedure: This first surgery is performed shortly after birth to reconstruct the
    aorta and connect it to the right ventricle, allowing blood to be pumped to the body more
  • Glenn Procedure: Performed at 4-6 months old, this surgery redirects blood flow from
    the upper body directly to the lungs, reducing the workload on the heart.
  • Fontan Procedure: Scheduled for the summer of 2024, this final surgery in the three-
    stage process connects the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary artery, allowing blood
    from the lower body to flow directly to the lungs.
Discovery of the Adrenal Mass: During pre-surgery testing for the Fontan procedure, a mass
was discovered on Jonny's adrenal gland. Initially measuring 1 cm, the mass grew to 5 cm within
four weeks. Upon removal, the tumor was identified as a carcinoma, a type of cancer that begins
in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs.

Proton Radiation Therapy: Jonny will undergo proton radiation therapy, a precise form of
radiation treatment that targets cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy
tissue (Mayo Clinic, 2). This therapy aims to eliminate any remaining microscopic cancerous

Looking Ahead: Following proton radiation therapy and a period of healing, Jonny will undergo
repeat pre-surgical testing to decide his readiness for the Fontan procedure. If he is considered an
ideal candidate, they will proceed with the Fontan, marking another significant milestone in his
incredible journey.

Conclusion: Jonny’s life is a story of bravery, hope, and the remarkable advancements in
pediatric cardiology and oncology. His journey continues to inspire all who know him, and his
future holds the promise of overcoming even the most daunting challenges.

1. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. April 2022. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
(HLHS). https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/health/h/hlhs.
2. Mayo Clinic. July 22, 2023. Proton Therapy. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-

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